Saturday, October 23, 2010

How To Bring America Back To God

Bringing America Back To God

How To Bring This Nation Back To God

By GW Williams

.....Bringing The Nation Back To God, or should I say...How To Turn America Back To God ?
Restoring our country back to God, will take national Christian wide revival, with men and women praying for America's restoration on biblical principles and high ideals.
Reviving and turning the United States back to God, starts at home with YOU !! & Me...first through Prayer and reading the Bible, and going to church again and having a one on one relationship with Jesus Christ !!
The United States was founded by great God fearing Christian men who wrote the United States Construction and the Decoration of Independence using the biblical principles.
Our nation was blessed of God and our nations freedom was created by our country's forefathers based on the bible.
America Doesn't need prophetic messages from biblical Prophets to turn back to God.
But to restore America back to the blessings of God, we need national revival and collective prayer joining spiritually holding hands across this nation...allowing God to lead us again.

.....If the United States is to turn back to God, we must first do what the bible tells us, to put our faith and trust in God....and to love our neighbor as our self.
America must stand on Christian ideals for liberty and justice for all !!

....In Bringing America Back To God...we must stop the fighting and causing division among our selves as a nation.
A Godly Nation must care about it's people, and a Godly America must stop trash talking.
Example...Just take look at almost any of our nations political debates... These so called leaders we have in office today get involved in dirty trash talking debates trying to destroy each other lives...only to gain votes and get re-elected into office...
I ask you how can in anyone politics who cuts down another American's citizen even if it's for political gain... truly care about the lives of other American people ?...the truth is they don't care about anyone but themselves !! ...geeee-whiz...some kind of leadership that wonder we have gang troubles in this country....what kind of example do our American's in leadership promote.
For once I'd like to see someone in politics turn down a debate and stand for God !!
American political debates are how wars are started world wide and full of scandal ..but seldom prove who is the best.
the truth is if this nation Is to turn back to God we need morally strong Christians in this country's leadership who don't try to cut each other down.
To Bring Americans back to God, we need Christians in office who care about the people and for the people !!

...Next in becoming a nation turning back to God ....we need to stop looking down our noses at those less fortunate who've lost their jobs and are begging for money in the streets.

...Years ago mainly drug addicts and alcoholics begged for money in the streets....but today on almost every street corner and center street can find someone with a cardboard sign begging for money....many of these people lost their homes, lost their jobs and where abandoned even by their families for not being able to no longer support their families !!

...We are a nation divided because of violent crimes, because of abortion which not only kills the baby , but destroys the heart of many mothers who can't take back what they did !!
Yes God will forgive them, but if you take time to ask a woman who had an abortion how she truly felt...most will tell you they'd never do it again and the regret it tearfully the rest of their lives.

...We are also a nation divided because of greed,...yes people are scared and greedily bank as much money as they can in case the economy gets worst....
Greed stops businesses from growing in the United States...without businesses making money employees don't get paid...we can't have greed if we want the work force to continue...It's a cycle of working and spending money that keeps the economy growing...and most people never give thought to this !!
But the biggest trouble with greed is that greed stops us from helping those in need, greed also burns selfishness into hearts of our country's people.
It' so sad....greed makes us feel less human.
But most of all...greed separates us from God !!

...If we are to become a nation that turns back to God we need leaders in every community from all walks of life....we even need brave men and women who have the guts to turn away from a gang lifestyle, and become leaders lead by God and the courage in their hearts to do what's make change and help restore this great country.
It takes a great deal of courage for a one time gang leader to walk down the street carrying a bible....this type of person must have the greatest courage of all to walk with God, in front of the world and to become a leader who can reach out and make change happen...This type of person I have the greatest respect for !!
God can use anyone...from all walks of life.

...We The People...Of The United States Of America... are all part of this great nation, but if we are divided amongst ourselves we can not stand.
The Bible tells us also a house divided will not stand.
Abraham Lincoln also stated a country divided can not stand !! ....and where do you think Lincoln got that from...yes...the Bible !!
In one part of America's - pledge of allegiants it says...."One Nation Under God, Indivisible with Liberty and Justice For All !!
If we are to become a nation blessed by God again, a nation the prospers finically, then we must put God first in our hearts,soul and mind.

...The Lord waits with open arms, all you have to do is talk to Him, He's the God of creation, The God of Miracles, The God who offers forgives no matter what you've done.
How can God help you, if you've turned away from Him and shut down all communications with the Lord ?
Yes He waits with open arms.

...There's people from across this great nation turning back to God, from California to New York, from Florida To The Mississippi, from Washington to the White-House standing on the bible, standing on the roots of our forefathers, and worshiping God and Praying collectively about restoring our Nation, asking God for Revival in our nation, looking for ways how to turn the nation back to God.
But the revival has just started...we have a long ways to go !!

Look at Glen Beck's Back To God Rally....what a turn out !!

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